A multidisciplinary exhibition at gallery OODE, curated by Niek Schoenmakers and Marleen Kurvers.
An ode to the color black.
Black absorbs all light and every color. Black is mysterieus, dark, creepy. People tend to be afraid in the dark. Imagine a complete white room with one window. You can see the shadows in the corners. The absence of light. Now imagine yourself standing in the same space at night. Everything is dark. What will you see? Shapes, lines, the reflection on a surface….
‘No colors anymore, I want them to turn black.’
In the beginning of 20th century architects painted their projects white to fully experience the power of their geometric composition. When every shape and surface is of the same color, a different kind of beauty appears. This mono-concept inspired the idea of NOX. Instead of white, black is chosen as a starting point to investigate three themes: LINE, SHAPE and SURFACE. Three themes blurring the boundaries between design and art. The result is a juxtaposition of contemporary design and orphaned art – art from closed museums and art institutions – The pieces are carefully selected for their individual qualities, but when presented in one color, they suddenly become related. By eliminating the distraction of color, the visitor is invited to focus on the composition, the spatial presence and the subtle differences in texture.
Jolan van der Wiel for Post Modern / Pepe Heykoop / Adrianus Kundert / Seungbin Yang / Wisse Trooster/ David Derksen / Dirk vander Kooij / Vantot / Britt Roelse / Cor Unum / Kiki van Eijk / Fabian Barrero – Carsenat / Oscar Zieta / Lennart Bras / Atelier Robotiq / Roland Pieter Smit / Mae Engelgeer / Rop van Mierlo for New Window / Tom Frencken / Job Martens / Chris and Jody Vingoe / Andrew Clausen / Studio Roex / Paul Ketz / Rick Tegelaar / Stephan Siepermann / Sabine Marcelis / Jolijn Pasmans / Sigve Knutson / Visser en Meijwaard / Femke van Gemert / Marc Th. Van der Voort / Steven Banken / Maarten Baptist /Agnes van Genderen
Jólan van der Wiel for Post Modern
Orphaned art from Angele Etoundi Essamba ABC of Species, Marleen Kurvers
Studio EASE, embroideries
Steven Banken