'OUT OF DARK, ARTWORKS GET A SECOND LIFE' (International New York Times)
OODE brings the work of young Dutch designers together with orphaned art - art from closed museums and art institutions. Founder Marleen Kurvers about the concept: '' We wanted to create an awareness about our own Dutch inheritance, not only within the range of product design. As we were looking for one of a kind products, we fell in love with 'orphaned art'. Beautiful and interesting art pieces that are left in storages to be forgotten because of closure of museums or art centers. We give them a new life at OODE. We want to generate public and governmental awareness about the consequences that heavy budget cuts have on sectors such as cultural heritage. As supporting the young product designer is also very important to us, we wanted to bring these two worlds together, creating OODE.'
Because of her different way of approaching our cultural inheritance, the concept was published in the New York Times and VOGUE LIVING mentioned OODE as one of the best curated design and art galleries in the world. OODE wants to make ART ACCESSIBLE for a wide public, so the prices are often very affordable. Visit our space in the centre of Amsterdam and discover a orphaned piece to adopt.
We have a lots of pieces in storage, on our website you can find a small curated selection that is available at OODE//